
Tips for getting those high grades we all DREAM of
  • get plenty of sleep (8-10 hours is recommended)
  • take short breaks every hour
  • start revising EARLY, not the week before
  • do revision AS SOON AS you wake up, because by the time you're finished it won't even be lunch yet and you'll still have the rest of the day to go over your revision
  • procrastination is your enemy
  • don't just read books, use different techniques like colour coding, flashcards, mind maps and post-its to ensure stuff really stays in your brain
  • do lots of exam practise (under exam conditions)
  • on the morning of exams, stay away from anyone who's panicking
  • create a realistic revision timetable
  • use lots of colour keys and highlighters (if you're a visual learner)
  • practice, practice, practice
  • make mnemonics! If they're really dirty or hysterical then they're more likely to stick - you could even relate them to your favourite fandom
  • don't just learn one way: listen to podcasts, watch John Green's crash course of To Kill a Mockingbird, watch films (yes, relating to the subject - idiot) and YouTube videos
  • EXERCISE (ew)
  • stay in a quiet room, and if you must listen to music then ideally it should be non-lyrical 
  • eat healthily (not healthy, you must use an adverb) in the run up to the exams
  • if you promise you won't muck around, study with friends
  • studyblr (that's 'study tumblr' if you don't know) is a great way to stay motivated
  • speaking of being motivated, I find it great watching people on YouTube opening their GCSE results, because either there will be people getting a million A*s, or people with all Es that'll have to retake
  • do you want to retake your exams? I thought not... Revise, you! YES, NOW!
  • make SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely goals) - because what's the point of aiming for 100% without knowing how to achieve it?
  • drink lots of water - it's super duper important to stay hydrated
  • apples or coffee? APPLES! (coffee provides close to no caloric energy, you'll run low on blood sugar. Also, apples take longer to digest - meaning you'll have MORE energy for longer)
  • give yourself rewards, for example "after this exam paper practice I can watch Sherlock"
  • there's a piece of software called "go cold turkey" and, once downloaded, it can block your chosen websites for a specific amount of time. For me, it's YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr
  • get someone to test you
  • start with what you find challenging, not what will make you feel most confident
  • whenever you start slacking off, think "in these five minutes I've wasted I could have learnt something that'll give me an extra mark"

How not to treat revision

How to treat revision